In the United States, women currently make up nearly half of the workforce but hold less than a quarter of tech jobs and a meager 13 percent of leadership roles at companies specializing in science, technology, engineering, and math.
I know I can help you because I was you...
20 Years Ago I was:
Being talked over
Competing with instead of embracing the other women in the room because it seemed there was only space for one of us
Feeling that I had to choose between my family and a successful career
Morphing my delivery to be seen as unemotional, aggressive, and indifferent to get my points across
Disheartened by my lack of clarity in whether I wanted to stay in STEM or transition to another industry
Tolerant of incidents in my work life that I would not have tolerated in my personal life
Today I:
Have 15 years of experience in executive leadership positions in STEM
Am comfortable and confident in my authentic leadership style
Seen as an authoritative figure in my industry by men and women
Able to give effective feedback to people based on their communication needs not their gender
Have created business cultures where people love to work, and don't have to choose between their family and their career
What STEM Leadership Collective offers:​
Leadership training in the disciplines that are effective for your industry.
A support structure and mentorship for women that creates opportunities to advance and gain the recognition you deserve.
Training to leverage your existing strengths, insight to understand the uniqueness and value of what you are already doing well, and coaching so you are comfortable leaning into a leadership role to make your team and organization more effective.
What We Offer

3-month intensive online program.
Modules covering Leadership, Authority, Team Building, and Career Strategy.
Access to a private Facebook Group for active STEM Leadership Collective Members.
6 Group coaching sessions with Stephanie for members to ask questions and increase confidence in presentations and communication.
Unlimited access to a Private Alumna Facebook Group following program completion to network, post jobs, get advice and stay connected to fellow female STEM leaders.
Want to be a part of a group that focuses on leadership for women in STEM? Join our free and private Facebook Group.
Join a supportive community where Leaders talk about all things Leadership- sharing best practices, educational information, personal stories, and strategies for current leaders and those who wish to become leaders.
Leadership is not only about your career- you can also be a leader in your family, friend group, or anywhere else in your life. The theories and practices apply to anyone leading anything.
Build your network and join a community of like-minded people striving to better their leadership skills in all aspects of their life. Take part in daily discussions and gain insight on leadership theories and strategies of current leaders.